Marine Equipment & Clothing

Blakes Lavac Taylors Ltd for marine toilets, cookers, heaters & seacocks

Adec Marine Marine Safety Supplies – Sales, hire and service of inflatable liferafts, inflatable boats, lifejackets. All your marine lifesaving needs – epirbs, sarts, vhf radios, compasses, strobe lights, torches, binoculars, marine distress flares, anchors, radar reflectors. Buy online.
Adventure Electronics A wide range of marine electronics, casual clothing and safety equipment from leading manufacturer at GREAT PRICES. Full product details and secure on-line ordering.
Beach Factory UV protection swimwear, rash guards, Aquashoes & other essential holiday accessories available on line. 020 8332 7467
Barbour Jackets get kitted out with a Barbour Jacket, the staple of sea goers when on land. Design your boat name in minutes.
CoastalRides specialisies in rebuilding and reconditioning of Volvo Penta Diesel Marine engines and Outdrives, also Volvo Penta parts and many fit out items from major boat-builders, including Sealine, Fairline and Sunseeker. Authorised dealers for Nanni, Sole Diesel, Mercuiser, Yanmar, Vetus and Raymarine.
Coast Water Sports Chandlery specialising in dinghy sailing clothing and equipment. You can either buy online or visit our shop at Axminster in Devon. For help tel 01297 533633.
Crew Safe We are on-line specialist suppliers of the Crewsaver & Yak range of lifejackets, buoyancy aids and accessories for all water activities, offered at very competitive prices.
Fraser Hydraulic Power Ltd – Specialists in hydraulic winches and mooring winches.
GS Products offers a selection of marine eqiupment and lifting gear, plus items from anchors to rigging and more.
KM Electronics Marine electronic sales and installations in Lowestoft.
Lifejackets UK Suppliers of lifejackets and buoyancy aids by mail order.
Main Marine Rigging and stainless steel fittings online
Marine and Outdoor Clothing wide range of sailing clothing including Helly Hansen Jackets, Sailing Jackets, Rash Vests, Buoyancy Aids and more.

Marlec Engineering Co. Ltd. Solar and wind generators.

Marine Online Mediterranean marina berths for sale and wanted.
Marine Winches Hydraulic winches and sub sea cable laying equipment powered by Hydraulic power units.
Mountain Marine Clothing catalogue
Musto Well known supplier of sailing clothes
Raytheon Electronics Makers of Autohelm.
Rope loft We offer discount rope by mail order to any UK address.
Rulesmaster Multimedia tools for learning and review of the International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Stainless Direct is a marine superstore, offering an array of boating equipment, chandlery and accessories.
Tek-Tanks Tanks, tank sensors, pumps, deck fittings and hoses.
Thai Teak Marine Makers of superior marine fittings.
The marine wharehouse is a specialist supplier of lifejackets in the UK .
Wetsuits from Activinstinct Huge range of wetsuits for sailing, boating and any water related activities including triathlons!
Yachtbits Secure on-line supplier of Marine Electrical & Electronic products

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